They played with some of the greatest players, but when it came to the most formidable opponent they encountered during their trophy-filled careers, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant agreed.
In his playing days, Michael Jordan acknowledged that he had trouble playing defense against quick, short guards, but let’s face it, there wasn’t much he couldn’t accomplish on the court.
Yes, exactly. Despite being the first player to win both NBA MVP and Defensive Player of the Year, Jordan struggled against a particular kind of player, as former Chicago Bulls teammate BJ Armstrong noted.
“Anyone who could catch and shoot and run around screens [he would struggle against], because he was a ball watcher,” Armstrong stated.
He was a constant gambler. On Rex (Chapman), you must remain at home. Because he attempted to enter the passing lane, Rex, Dell Curry, and Jeff Malone were the only ones who could do that. Rex must have played well against those teams.
Armstrong failed to recognize Allen Iverson, the former NBA Rookie of the Year. In fact, Jordan described why Iverson was one of his most difficult opponents in an interview discussing his toughest opponents.
Regarding the former Philadelphia 76ers player, Jordan remarked, “I could take him in the post, but he could beat me on the perimeter.” “He is an extremely talented player. He is a gifted young man. Once he learns to play the game on a much larger scale, he will continue to improve.
MJ went on to say: “He’s working hard on his athletic skills right now. He’s fast and good. I find it difficult to respect him and his size. He’s very little and swift. However, it’s difficult. I refuse to retreat.”
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